Special Effects
The corner stone of our business is special effects and with over 25 years of experience in this field, there is little we haven’t seen or done in order to create that effect. Our resume of television series, feature films and commercial productions is unmatched. We can boast music videos for Drake, David Bowie, The Rolling Stones, Kiss and Prince just to name drop a few. Live television events, remote shoots in the arctic or working underwater in a tank…these are just the day to day happenings here at Performance Solutions.
“We Build Cool Things Well”

416-461-9600 • Toronto
Custom Props
Set Construction
Themed Environments
Special Effects
Experimental Marketing
Architetcural Installations
© Performance Solutions Inc. 2023 – 393 Birchmount Rd., Toronto, ON M1K 1N3 – 416-461-9600 | Web Design by Walden